Serenity Magnetic Island Guide

The best things to do on Magnetic Island, created by long-time locals.
Electric motor bike for rent on Magnetic Island at MI Roaming.
Getting Around

The Best Ways to Get Around Maggie

Find the best car hire, bike hire and other fun ways to get around Magnetic Island.
Walks and Hikes

See Magnetic Island on Foot

Our favourite walks and hikes for all activity levels.
Restaurants and Eateries

Where We Love to Eat

Our favourite places to grab a coffee, eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Paid Activities

Fun Paid Activities

The best paid activities for adventures, family getaways and having a good laugh.

Events on Magnetic Island

Find out when the best island events, festivals and local classes are.
Free Activities

Fun, Cheap or Free Activities

There is a variety of free or inexpensive things to do here on Magnetic Island.